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Alpha Release

The nature of all Alpha builds is, that there still can be issues in the software and also that some points should be improved. We published MediaPortal 2 Alpha to get more user feedback about existing issues and ideas what should be developed further.

Did you find a bug? Does something not work for you?

Please start a bug report in our MediaPortal 2 forum section: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/su...g-reports-532/


Please provide as much information as you can, and also attach the logfiles of MediaPortal 2 to each bug report!

Logfiles of Client and Server

MediaPortal 2 creates logfiles that helps developers to analyze problems. You will find those files:

Client:   C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Client\Log

Server:  C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\Log

Logfile for installation process

Do you have any issues, which might be related to the installation?

Use the msiexec command-line options to enable logging to a text file. You can use that logging during installation, upgrade, repair or uninstall. All you need to do is to start the msi using the following options.

msiexec /i "PATH_TO_THE_MSI_FILE\MP2-Setup-Alpha-Release.msi" /l*v "PATH_TO_THE_LOG_FILE\MP2install.log"

So for example:

msiexec /i "C:\MP2\-Setup\-Alpha\-Release.msi" /l\*v "C:\MP2install.log"

/i defines that the msi-package is being installed.

/l*v activates the logging, including all messages (*) and verbose logging (v)

For more information about msiexec and it's commandline options see Microsoft's documentation about the topic.



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