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Streaming with on-the-fly transcoding is a very complicated task because there is a large number of different video formats and some of them don't work properly with FFMpeg. Also some videos have encoding errors, which makes it hard for video players and conversion tools to properly handle them.

So it might happen that some videos don't play or fail to play after seeking to a position within the video. If this happens, it's important for the developers to get as much information as possible so the problem can be fixed (if possible).

How to report a non-functioning video

  1. Use MediaInfo to collect information about your video. Export this information to a text file.
  2. Clear your logs (C:\ProgramData\GmaWebservice\GmaWebservice.log)
  3. Change the log level to Trace
    1. Edit the log config (C:\Program Files (x86)\GmaWebService\NLog.configl)
    2. Change
      <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="fileBasicInfo"/>
      <logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="fileBasicInfo"/>
  4. Restart the GmaWebService service
    1. Start -> Run -> "Services.msc"
    2. find GmaWebServcice
    3. Press Restart
  5. Start the video, wait for it to fail.
  6. Post your problem with the log file and the MediaInfo text file in the MediaPortal forums. If the video is publicly available (e.g. Trailers) also post the source of your video.



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