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This page contains tips on how to fix the most common problems when setting up or using aMPdroids.

Understand how aMPdroid works!!!

Before asking "Why isn't it working" try to understand how aMPdroid communicates with your htpc and do your best to pinpoint your problem.

See the background services page for a overview of the aMPdroid communication.

No connection to service

You will get this error when you try to open the media, music or tv section and your phone cannot connect to the MPExtended service. aMPdroid can only access your data if the background services are working properly and can be accessed through the network

Try to access the services from your webbrowser

You can test the services with your webbrowser. Make sure you test the urls below from another machine (to check if the pc can be accessed remotely) and change localhost to the actual hostname/ip-address of your htpc. You can also open these urls from the webbrowser of your mobile.

Service Description


on the machine, which should return something like:

{"ApiVersion":4,"AvailableFileSystemLibraries":[{"Id":10,"Name":"MP Movie Shares","Version":""},{"Id":11,"Name":"MP Picture Shares","Version":""},{"Id":5,"Name":"MP Shares","Version":""},{"Id":9,"Name":"MP Music Shares","Version":""}],"AvailableMovieLibraries":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Moving Pictures","Version":""},{"Id":7,"Name":"MP MyVideo","Version":""}],"AvailableMusicLibraries":[{"Id":4,"Name":"MP MyMusic","Version":""},{"Id":12,"Name":"mvCentral","Version":""}],"AvailablePictureLibraries":[{"Id":8,"Name":"MP Picture Shares","Version":""}],"AvailableTvShowLibraries":[{"Id":6,"Name":"MP-TVSeries","Version":""}],"DefaultFileSystemLibrary":5,"DefaultMovieLibrary":3,"DefaultMusicLibrary":4,"DefaultPictureLibrary":0,"DefaultTvShowLibrary":6,"ServiceVersion":"0.5.0-test"}


You can also find this link in the MpExtended Configurator.

Make sure the background services are running

To see if the services are running, open the services control panel on your htpc (Start -> run -> services.msc) and see if the status of MpExtended Service is Started.

Database locking

Sometimes there are problems when MPExtended and the MediaPortal plugins are both accessing the databases. This will result in locked databases.

You will see a lot of errors like

[insert log files here]

in your MediaPortal log files.

To fix this error, makes sure there are no files in your database folder that end with journal.db (if there are, delete them), then restart MpExtended Service (Start -> run -> services.msc -> MpExtended Service -> Restart Service).


Streaming/Downloading doesn't work (all files have 0 Kb)

This most likely means that MpExtended Service doesn't have access to your files. MPExtended is started with the Local System Account, so if this User has no access rights to your media files, it can't stream them to aMPdroid. This often happens if the files are stored on a NAS (or some other remote location).

See this section of the MPExtended wiki for more information.

Remote not working

If the remote functions are not working (the mepo in the lower right corner should be glowing) this means that you aren't connected (Menu->Connect) to WifiRemote. Make sure that:

  • WifiRemote plugin is installed
  • MediaPortal is running
  • WifiRemote ports are not blocked by firewall (default: 8017)

If aMPdroid is still not working, try to connect to the plugin with the WifiRemote Demo Client. Try to connect from a different pc to make sure there are no network issues. If you have checked everything and neither the demo client, nor aMPdroid can connect, have a look at your log files or report the issue on the forum (include the log files).

TV Streaming does not work

Tv Streaming often doesn't work well with the internal video player of Android. Try to use one of the external players instead.



3 Kommentare

  1. says:
    I discovered that the gmawebservice is using default win7 paths in its config file. My htpc is running on a dedicated xp machine, so if you have that too, remember to change the file paths in the config file (and restart gmawebservices)
    Posted Sep, 18 2011 04:46

  2. says:

    These comments only seem visible if you're logged in so not helpful to people searching!
    Posted Nov, 13 2011 10:45

  3. says:
    Mark content - much like Wikipedia so they appear for all users - comments do not. I am considering removing the comments feature altogether as a result.
    Posted Nov, 13 2011 11:09