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Build your own BasicHome menu!


BasicHome Editor

The BasicHome Configuration plugin is a process-plugin used for configuring your BasicHome menu. You can also assign latest media informations to any menu item you want.

Open the mediaportal configuration, choose the Process Plugin labeled "MayaHD Editor" and press "Config". This will open a new window. By default we have included a sample BasicHome menu, but you are free to add or remove items to in the menu:



To the left you will see a list of the available modules. The modules can be listed in three ways:

  1. Show all files to get a list of all the XML-files in the MayaHD skin-folder. This is usefull if you need to target a specific file
  2. Show only home-modules to get a list of the installed window-plugins that are currently placed in the Home-menu.
  3. Show only plugin-modules to get a list of the installed window-plugins that are currently placed in the Plugins-menu.

The best way to pick menu items for your BasicHome is to use the last two options. This way the configuration will name and set Window-ID's automatically for you.

The BasicHome Configuration also offers the ability to create submenus in BasicHome. This is normally done by first creating a mainmenu item and then adding a number of items to the submenu like in the screenshot below:



You can also see that there are some more options to set for an item:

  • a plugin parameter which should be called
  • the background/fanart image
  • enable latest media

Almost any XML-file can be targeted this way.

Menu items in both the mainmenu and the submenu can be sorted by selecting a menu-item and using the "UP" or "DOWN" buttons. You may also remove them by using the "REMOVE" button.

To rename a menuitem you should select the item in the list, change whatever you want, and press "UPDATE". You need to press "UPDATE" after every menu item you change - or the changes will be lost.



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