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The Details window displays all the database details of your film with five different 'virtual' views, and allows you to customize six display items on the Overview. It also offers a special full fanart and movie thumbs view!

Playing your Films

You may use either the Play button (p shortcut key) or Enter/OK to play your film in the Details window. See Playing your Films for more details.

Note: as of v 6.0.0 you may also play your films stored on any HDD (i.e. not DVDs or Blu-rays) from the Main view using the play button or p key.

Detail Views

On the Detail screen you may display several different 'virtual' views of all your database information:

  • Overview
  • Description
  • Comments
  • Actors
  • Technical Info

To display each 'virtual' view, just use the up/down arrow keys.

Note: While in each virtual view, you may use the page up/down keys to move to the next or previous film while remaining in the current view.  You can also  browse to the first or last films by using the Detail Menu.  However, switching to the menu or Fanart view, will revert to the Overview.


The default view is Overview. It is designed to be a custom user view. It displays the Custom Display Items (fields) you select in My Films Setup > Display tab (or Display Options on context menu) as well as the main data fields like title, translated title, watched status, ratings, year, length, actors, description, etc.  In the Default skin Edition names display as part of the Title.

Customize Display

As of v 6.0.0 you may now select six Custom Display Items for the Details Overview separately from the Custom Display Items for the Main screen. See Custom Display Fields for how to select them in Setup.

You can also change the display items within My Films, by selecting Display Options from either the Main Menu > Options or the context menu (F9 or Info/More remote button). My Films will display a dialog showing the current settings:

Simply select an item to display the list of all fields and select the field you wish to display.  

Note: The display name, or field label, will automatically be set to translated field name. You can customize the labels (for example to abbreviate them or remove them) only in Setup (see Custom Display Fields


When you wish to see the full description, just press the down arrow for the Description view:

Note: As of v 6.1.0, movie thumbs generated from the film display on the Description view (if your skin supports it).


Many scripts will download user comments and reviews for you.  My Films allows you to display these in the Comments view.

Some grabber scripts, like IMDB-Full allow you to map data to fields. For example IMDB-Full adds Certification to the start of the Comments field.


Using grabber scripts, you may select the style (roles or not) and number of actors to display in your database. If you like to display all actors, so you can search on them later, then the Actors view is made for you!

As of v 6.0.0 the Actors view will display actor images and names for the 5 first-billed actors. You can enabled automatic download of person images by selecting the '*Enable Download*s' option in Artwork Setup

Tip:  You can choose the number of actors (or other persons like producers) that are 'grabbed' and whether or not to grab actors roles in grabber scripts that support them.  You can either select options for the script, using the Grabber Interface tool, which apply to all configs that use the grabber. Or, you can select grabber override options which apply to all grabber scripts for one config.

Technical Info

When you wish to see all the technical details about your film, you can press the down arrow one more time


If you love fanart, you will love this feature!  Just press the right arrow key on any Detail view, and display the Full Fanart view:

You can also browse your movies in this view using the page up/down keys, and watch all the amazing fanart you downloaded cycle on the screen.

Tip:  Don't forget to re-download your fanart every once in a while to see if there are new images - you wouldn't want to miss those!

Movie Thumbs

As of v 6.1.0 you can press the right arrow key from the full fanart view to display the movie thumbs view (if your skin supports it):

Menu Options

The Details Screen also provides additional menu options for the selected film.

Mainly these buttons allow you navigation options, such as to view the first, previous, next or last film in your current view, or to link quickly to other video plugins, like TV Series.

  • Options - displays the context menu (see below)
  • Trailers - displays a list of local trailers for the film, if available;  if not, you can 'Try Online Trailer,' which will search for IMDB, YouTube or Apple trailers via the Online Videos plugin.

Context/Options Menu

You may access the Options item from the Details menu as a context menu since all the items related to the current movie..

Note: Options with ellipsis [...] indicate a sub menu


Trailer Menu for playing and managing Trailers - see Using My Films > Trailers

Set watched/unwatched 

Manually change the watched status (if you have configured a field for Watched Status in Setup > Updates)  - only 'saved'  for Ant Movie Catalogs

Rating/User Rating

Display a dialog to rate the film yourself - rating change the main rating for the film, user rating adds your own rating, per user.

Just use the left/right arrow buttons to adjust the rating, then right/left again, or up arrow to access the OK button (or press Back/Esc) to close.

Note: Trakt pop-up rating dialog adds or changes the current User Rating, not the main Rating for the film.


As of v 6.0.0, when you rate a film with a user rating > 7 it is automatically added to 'Favorites' for the current user. You can select a Favorites view from the 'View by' menu option > *Show All* list of fields > Favorites. If multiple users are supported for the database/config - the Favorites view will list all users so you can view each user's Favorite films.

Note: The rating is only 'saved' for Ant Movie Catalog types. For other catalog types, it will persist until you export your XML from your catalog.

Delete Movie... (AMC only)

This option only displays if you enable deletion options in Setup > Updates Tab. See Delete Films setup guide for more info.

Updates... (AMC only) 

Updates Menu for updating your database from internet (Get internet film  info), or manually (update film data by property)

Filename is useful if you move or edit your filenames and forget to update the database. You can correct the filename in My Films so it will play!

Cover Manager...

As of v 6.0.0 My Films introduces a new Cover Manager to download, select or change the movie cover image that displays.

Fanart Manager...

 Download or refresh the fanart or covers, or create manual fanart for the selected film only

See Fanart for details on using these options. You can only access the Create fanart options from the Details window.


Displays only if you have installed the Trakt plugin enabled for you My Films config - see Trakt


Displays only if you have the SubCentral plugin installed - jumps to SubCentral and searches for subtitles for your film. See Subtitles for details.




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