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How to setup and use NFO files with My Films.


As of v 6.0.0, My Films supports using NFO files in the XBMC format / standard, but extends it to hold all MyFilms movie related info.

  • import data from NFO files stored in your movie folder
  • update NFO files with latest updates
  • backup your XML database to NFO files
  • delete NFO files

This allows you to import data from (or export data to):

  • XBMC
  • Moving Pictures plugin (via the MovPicNfo add-on - See Import Moving Pictures DB
  • MyVideos (MediaPortal v1.3.0 or later)
  • any other app that supports the creation of nfo files

See Ember Media Manager NFO for details on setting up EMM for use with MyFilms.

Warning: You must have an accessible (online) folder to store NFO files. NFO files can not be used for offline media, such as DVDs and Blu-rays, unless you rip them to HDD. 

Import from NFO files

Importing from NFO files creates a movie catalog in AMC4 XML format using an NFO grabber. Thus you can use all MyFilms features for AMC catalogs within MyFilms. However, if you wish to retain these changes you should Backup to NFO (see below)


  1. Select the Setup Wizard to create a New Catalog
  2. Choose "Ant Movie Catalog Xtended (4.1)" as catalog type.
  3. Select 'use nfo grabber'
  4. On the Import tab, select Title Search Handling  = File Name or Folder Name (depending on your file naming)
  5. Click "Save"  - a pop up will tell you your configuration has been saved.

Warning: DO NOT use "+ Internet lookup" options for Title Search Handling. My Films/AMC Updater will try to look up the information on the internet if these are selected.


If you use the Setup Wizard to create a new catalog, it will automatically open Import at the end of setup. However, you can always cancel that and run the import after you verify or customize your settings:

  1. Press the Import button to open AMC Updater
  2. Check the Scan paths and Filters and Options to make sure they are the same as you selected in MyFilms setup.
  3. Click the Database Fields tab. Quick Select > All Items >Select All.
    1. Make sure Use Internet Data For Language Field is selected (It doesn't use Internet just the script you are running)
    2. Make sure Use Script for Fanart is selected so it will import your fanart from the NFO file.
  4. Click File > Save to save any settings you change if you wish to use them for all imports
  5. Click the Begin Import button 

My Films will also grab your cover/poster locations and fanart IF it is stored in the movie folder. However it will copy the image files to the folders you select in Artwork Setup to support Cover Manager and Fanart Manager in My Films.

The NFO grabber script can be customized to work with your preferred application in case the content or naming is different from the default settings. See Customize Grabber to learn how to use the Grabber Editor.

Update (backup to) NFO files

Whenever you update movies within My Films you can update your NFO files with the changes. 

Note: Update or backup to NFO does NOT copy any covers or fanart images you may have added within My Films to your movie folder.  However, if you use folder.jpg then MyFilms will update your cover with the one you update or select in MyFilms (and thus save it to your NFO file).. 

If you wish to update covers with the ones you select in MyFilms:

  1. Click the Database Fields tab in AMCU
  2. Under Cover Handling > Picture Handling, select: Use Folder.jpg

Note:  See the attached Movie.nfo file created using MyFilms file handling. The format is the same when using Movie Name, only then the filename is  based on the movie file name.

As of v 6.0.0 My Films supports NFO files. The NFO file format follows the XBMC format / standard, but extends it to hold all MyFilms movie related info.

Warning: Make sure the device(s) e.g. server/NAS/USB drives etc are 'online' so you can write NFO files to your movie folder(s). You cannot use NFO backup with DVDs or Blu-rays since you cannot write to the disc. You must first rip these to a movie folder on your HDD or device that contains your movie files.

If you wish to backup your AMC database to NFO files:


  1. Operation = Update NFO File
  2. NFO File Handling - select MyFilms.nfo, Movie Name, or Both
  3. Don't overwrite existing - to add only NFO files if they are missing
  4. Parameters - as for any other AMCU Update operation add conditions if you wish to add/update NFO files for only selected films
  5. Update All Records - enable to backup your whole database or catalog to NFO files

Delete NFO files

Select Operation = Delete NFO files if you wish to clean up your hard drive and remove  NFO files for all or selected films.

Use the same steps as Update NFO FIles, however 'Don't overwrite existing' option will not display.




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