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How to setup and display Editions in MyFilms.


If you have multiple files for different Editions, such as Bonus Disks, 2D, 3D, Directors Cut, Unrated, etc. you can either:

  1. Auto-detect Editions during import (AMC catalogs only)
  2. Manually add multiple files to your movie source field in your database

Auto-detect Editions during import

When importing to an AMC catalog type (including new catalogs created by MyFilms), AMC updater will automatically detect Editions based on the settings in the Scan Paths and Filters Tab under Edition Detection:

Multiple search expressions (including Regex) are supported to detect editions in the movie file name and specify the corresponding "Name" (Replacement Expression) to be returned. You may modify the existing expressions or add as many as you wish to match how you name Editions in your movie files.

AMC4 catalog types

Edition names will be automatically added to the extended Editions field, and can be displayed:

  • by selecting the Big Icons List Layout within MyFilms
  • by selecting Editions as a View (either via the **Show all** option for Views or by creating/saving it as a Custom View.
  • by creating a Group in MyFilms GUI based on the movie title See Box Sets, Groups

AMC3 catalog types

Since AMC3 does not support the extended Editions field, you cannot use the above AMC4 display features. However, you can still auto-detect Editions and add Edition names to Title field(s) using the Database Fields tab in AMCU Setup > Title Handling:

Tip: Adding the Edition name to 'Both Titles' ensures your edition names display even if you change between using Original and Translated Titles as your main (master) title. However, adding them only to the title you use as secondary title will display them separately and allow you to display a view or group them by whichever title field you use as secondary title if you do not use that field for secondary (e.g. AKA) titles.

Manually adding to Storage (Source) field

This method is supported for any movie catalog type, though you must add the editions manually to your catalog source field.

You may add multiple editions to your movie source field, using the syntax:


instead of the usual FILENAME;FILENAME (for multi-part files)

Note: Each entry in the list must start with "[[" and end with "]]" multiple files under one entry are separated with a semi-colon ";"


"[[D:\foo_3D.mkv##3D Version]][[D:\foo_2D.mkv##2D Version]]"

Using this method My Films will display a dialog when you select movie for playback, allowing you to choose the Edition you wish:

What's Next

Now you know the different ways you can setup and display editions, you can see Using MyFilms for more info about how to use them within MyFilms.




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