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How to setup My Films to manually or automatically delete films or entries in your catalog when the file no longer exists, or even delete movie files from within MyFilms..

Delete Options

There are several options you can use to delete films, either entries from your movie catalog/database or physically remove the file from your hard disk drive.

  1. Manual deletion - via an option on the context menu in either the main or detail window - removes both the file and the entry in the database
  2. Automatic deletion
    1. by using the delete options in Setup > Updates
    2. by 'purging' entries while importing films when the file is no longer found/available
  3. Batch Delete records using AMC Updater > Update Movies > Delete Record operation.

Manual Deletion Setup

  1. Enable manual deletion in MyFilms Setup >  Update Tab. Simply check the box.

When manual deletion is enabled, the context menu (via F9 or Info/More remote button) on both the main and details window,will display an option to 'Delete Movie...'

Warning: Using this option will delete the movie file from your drive so use with caution!

Automatic Deletion Setup

You can delete movies (entries) from your database catalog, and/or even your movie files from within My Films in MediaPortal. 

Note: If you enable automatic deletion, the context menu within MyFilms will display an option to Delete movie... (see above screenshot) which will perform the action you select here: 

  1. Enable automatic deletion - allows you to automatically update your database and files once a movie is watched
  2. Choose one of the following from the drop down list:
    • Delete DB entry only (default)
    • Delete both DB entry and movie file
    • Update DB entry - Keep movie file
    • Update DB entry - Delete movie file

When you enable automatic deletion, you can also select a specific field to update once a file finishes playing:

  1. Update field when player finishes - check to enable
    1. Select the field to update from the drop down list
    2. Enter the value (i.e. text) you wish to automatically enter in the field

Purging Orphan Records Setup

If you prefer to manually delete your movie files in Windows explorer, My Films can automatically remove or purge entries from your AMC database for you.

While importing records you can choose to automatically purge (remove) entries from your AMC database if the movie file is no longer found. 

This option will never actually delete your movie files, it only updates your database.

By default, AMC Updater is preset to Re-Scan Moved files, and will find the new location and will not purge those entries (if you scan the path were the movie was originally stored and the path were it was moved). 

  1. Select the Purge Orphan Records option, either in:
    • MyFilms Setup > Import tab (this option is automatically synced to AMC Updater)
    • AMC Updater > Import Movies Tab (use this setting if you wish to run an import without altering the default setting)
  2. Select Purge Orphans when source not available in AMC Updater> Import Movies Tab if you wish to purge or delete entries in your database even when the source containing your movie files is not online (e.g. if you imported movies from a USB drive, but you don't have that drive anymore and want to get rid of the movies in your catalog. This option can only be enabled when Purge Orphan Records is enabled. 

Note: My Films will only purge entries if the file is not found on the scanned drive(s) set in AMC Updater > Scan Path and Filters > Movie Scan folder(s). Entires with sources outside the scan directories are not purged automatically unless you also enable Purge Orphans when source not available select . So, for example, if you have stored movies on both D: and E: drives, but only scan E: drive, AMC Updater will only purge entries no longer found on D: drive.

Batch Delete Records Setup

You may also use the Update Movies tab in AMC Updater to batch delete records by entering parameters to select the records you wish to delete (such as a source drive).




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