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How to setup My Films depending on your system configuration/use case and the features you wish to use.


My Films can be very simple to set up if you already have a movie catalog and existing database. However, it is more complex for network setup, or if you wish to use the advanced features for AMC catalog types, such as to automatically group films, detect Editions, customize importing,  artwork or grabbers.

Don't despair! These Setup Guides provide an overview, and step-by-step tutorials to help you setup specific configurations as well as more advanced features and customization when several steps, or guidance may be required.  The features pages in Using My Films will refer you to a Setup Guide if required, or to the location of settings for that feature.

In general, settings are configured or customized using:

  • MyFilms Setup - to learn about a specific tab or setting in the Setup tool
  • AMC Updater - to learn about a specific tab or setting in AMCUpdater - for importing films
  • Grabber Editor - to learn about using MyFilms Grabber Engine/Editor and customizing grabber options
  • Using My Films > main menu > Options > Global Settings or context menu options.

Settings are preset for you, based on you catalog type, when you create a new config using the Setup Wizard. You may not need to customize any settings! However, once you are familiar with MyFilms, these Setup Guides will help you customize almost every aspect of MyFilms and give you total control over your movie database.

Best Practices

If you are creating a new catalog, create a test catalog with just a few movies until you verify the settings are what you wish, or learn how to customize them to meet your needs.

You can use the Sample Movies DB to learn MyFilms features and check its configuration settings to see how they are setup.


TopicsQuick Setup
How to set up My Films and be up and running in no time! 
Import Setup
How to setup and customize Import settings for different batch import operations for AMC catalog types (including catalogs created in MyFilms using AMC Updater).
Multiple DBs or Configs
My Films supports multiple databases, or multiple configs (like profiles) for the same database.
Network Setup
My Films offers several features to support networks such as centralized data (database and images), central config files, UNC paths Wake On LAN, offline media and multi-user watch status and ratings, and more.
New Catalogs
How to create a new movie catalog/db using MyFilms 6.0.0 or later, to import your movies with data and artwork



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