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With the help of the Add or Edit buttons on the lower left side of the TV Channels pane you can manually add a new channel without the need for a scan or edit the name or tuning details of an existing channel.


Editing the visible channel name

By two slow clicks on the channel name you can edit the visible name of a channel (or a channel combination).

Right-click on a channel

This opens a sub-menu:

  • Add to group (further expands to all available groups right of the arrow) to add this channel(s) to a selected group
    (One channel can be added to as many groups as you want)
  • Delete this channel same as the Delete button in the lower field
  • Edit channel same as the Edit button in the lower field. Will be explained there
  • Rename selected channel(s) by SID
  • Add SID in front of name
  • Renumber channels by SID

SID is the Service ID of a channel in DVB.

The last three options usually only make sense if the channel names are inconclusive or non-existing

Adding a new channel

Adding or editing a channel are very advanced options and should be only consulted by experts who know what they do.
It can be useful if e.g. a channel has slightly changed its tuning parameters or a (new) channel with special tuning parameters is to be added manually. It can be faster to add or edit a channel here than doing a full or partial new scan.
In some cases it's the only way to add or correctly tune a channel if the card cannot find it automatically during a scan.

To create a channel without scanning for it, you first have to type in the desired channel name and number:

  Tip The tuning details for radio-channels look the same as their TV-counterparts (DVB-S, DVB-T, DVB-C, analog etc.).

Then click Add in the lower left

A new window Select tuningdetail type pops up and you must select the desired type of channel.

Again a new window Add/Edit Tuningdetail pops up and you must type in all necessary tuning-details.

Analog tuning details

Below is examples of actual TV channels of different types (Analog, DVB-S etc.)

ATSC tuning details

DVB-C tuning details

DVB-S tuning details

DVB-T tuning details

DVB-IP tuning details

Editing an existing channel

When you only want to edit an existing channel you get to see the already filled out Edit channel window after clicking the Edit button.

Nevertheless you have to mark the channel before you can reach the Edit button to get to the previous Tuningdetails window.



There might be more than one channel visible in the tuning details if you have previously combined two or more channels.
In the example below you see a channel that is available as DVB-S, DVB-T, DVB-C and from the analog card.
For DVB channels the correct channel-name can usually be extracted from the digital data stream but this is not always possible from analog channels as in the example below where the name of the running program was extracted instead of the channel or provider.



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